Kate Summers Stratton

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Erin Gray is best known for playing the assistant turned matriarch Kate Summers Stratton -- opposite Joel Higgins and Ricky Schroder -- in the hit '80s television show "Silver Spoons." Guess what she looks like now!

Animation Bleach Style

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Corruption in Nigeria - CNN

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Minister for Finance and Coordinator of the Economy Ngozi Okonjo Iweala was a guest on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS programme on Sunday where she acknowledged that there was corruption in Nigeria but said that the fight against corruption must involve every Nigerian...
"No one can fight corruption for Nigerians except Nigerians. Everyone has to be committed from the top to the bottom to fight it. In our country, we need to, coupled with – by all means pursue those who are corrupt, punish them, you know, make sure there’s no impunity.  But that has to be coupled with something which doesn’t get as much attention, which is building institutions.  It’s unglamorous; it’s work that takes time, but we have to do it.  We have to put it in place.” she said.
The Minister was also taken up by the presenter on Sanusi's suspension. He asked her why Sanusi was suspended after he discovered that monies had been siphoned from the NNPC account of which the Minister responded that Sanusi did not say monies were siphoned, he said money was unaccounted for. Full text of the Interview after the cut...

ZAKARIA:  Listen in to our conversation.  I began by asking her why the central banker was suspended for blowing the whistle.

NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA, NIGERIAN FINANCE MINISTER:  I believe that when you find problems, you should also find solutions.  I think the problem began the first time when he said that the amount that was – he never said it was stolen.  He said it was unaccounted for, was $49.8 billion.
And he wrote a letter to the president; he called me a couple of days after, to say I’ve written this letter.  And my first reaction was, that’s not possible.  We couldn’t be missing $50 billion as finance minister in this country.  We wouldn’t be able to function because that’s too high a hit.  Everybody would know it and feel it in the economy.

ZAKARIA:  There is some substantial gap.


ZAKARIA:  Right?  I mean –


ZAKARIA:  – the World Bank, I think when you were one of the managing directors, issued a report on the Nigerian economy in which it said hundreds of billions of dollars over the past 30 or 40 years have been siphoned off.  And so this would be a perfect example of precisely this kind of siphoning off.

OKONJO-IWEALA:  No.  I think we should hold our horses a little bit.  Sanusi please ask him never said the money had been siphoned off.  He said it was unaccounted for.
And hold on.  There’s a difference, because when he alleged $49.8 billion – and this was looked at, it was found that some of that money had really been remitted to the tax agency directly and his people were not aware of it.
So $16 billion was immediately accounted for that, you know, they didn’t seem to know the accounting mode of the agency, so that’s what I’m saying.
But there has been – there’s no doubt that Nigerians feel suspicious of the oil sector, that it has been regarded as opaque over the years and this is not an issue, you know, whether it’s $10.8 billion, whether it’s $1, you know, we can’t afford to lose any money from the treasury.

ZAKARIA:  But then why fire the central banker, a respected central banker?

OKOJO-IWEALA:  You know, Fareed, what I would like to do is perhaps focus on the economy, because I don’t think I want to get into this issue of firing/not firing.  He’s still governor of the central bank.  He has been suspended.  He hasn’t been fired.
But I think we need to focus on the central issue, which is no one dollar should be lost from the treasury.  Any money that belongs to it must be remitted.  That’s what we’re insisting.
And the president, we pushed for – he has ordered one yesterday, that there should be a forensic audit to determine where these moneys, that what is unaccounted for, is it the $10.8 billion that we are saying from the accounts?
We’ve been working on this for two years.
And you know, is it $50 billion?  Is it $20 billion?  Is it $12 billion?  What is the amount?  We need to know for the sake of the Nigerian people and he has ordered that.  So we want it to be independent; we want it to be well done, so that we can lay it to rest.

ZAKARIA:  So how do we – how do you solve the problem of corruption?

You’ve been in government twice.  You have a reputation for being extremely honest.
What would you do, if you had a magic wand, if you were president, what would you do to get Nigeria to get this cancer out of its system?

OKOJO-IWEALA:  Well, you know, Fareed, you know with that, there are no easy answers.  But there’s one thing I want to say and repeat.  No one can fight corruption for Nigerians except Nigerians.  Everyone has to be committed from the top to the bottom to fight it.
And I think there are two key things that need to be done all along, and it’s not just in Nigeria.  It’s in many developing countries that you need to do this.
But in our country, you need to, coupled with – by all means pursue those who are corrupt, punish them, you know, make sure there’s no impunity.  But that has to be coupled with something which doesn’t get as much attention, which is building institutions.  It’s unglamorous; it’s work that takes time, but we have to do it.  We have to put it in place.

ZAKARIA:  I have to ask you a question that is not part of directly your portfolio, but it is your government.
Nigeria has always had laws banning homosexuality.  But you advanced a further law which criminalized it so that somebody who is gay would have to spend 14 years in prison.
You also have passed – the law says that people who are in some way promoting gay clubs or gay discussion would be imprisoned for 10 years.  This seems an assault on a minority’s rights.  It also seems an assault on free speech.
Why is Nigeria doing this?

OKOJO-IWEALA:  Well, let me say this, Fareed, that, you know, we’re here in the U.S.  And it took 40 to 50 years or more under conversation of, you know, the gay community to get where the U.S. is.
I think that, you know, we need a conversation in the country.  We need evolution.  Ninety-six percent of people support these laws, but I think we need to unpack the laws, for them to see, you know, between being a gay person and between same-sex marriage because the two are compounded in people’s minds and there’s a strong sentiment against same-sex marriage, just as you had here before.
And it’s still evolving.  I think it’s a question of conversation, discussion, evolution, education and engagement over time, just as happened in this country and in Europe.  It’s not something that happened overnight.  So I would say withhold judgment and let us work on this.
ZAKARIA:  Madam Finance Minister, pleasure to have you on.

OKOJO-IWEALA:  Thank you.
ZAKARIA:  And we will be back.

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames Miss Indonesia 2010 That New.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames is the daughter of Indonesia 2010 that new. last night representatives from Jakarta Indonesia received the crown princess 2010 princess replace Qory Sandioriva Indonesia 2009. Who is Nadine Alexandra Goddard Ames? see brief profiles Nadine alexandra princess goddess Ames Indonesia 2010 and photos alexandra goddess Nadine Ames. Check out photos Qory Sandioriva when handed to the Crown of Miss Indonesia Nadine.

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames was born in England 23 May 1991 and has a height of 179cm Nadine is fluent in English and French. However, there are clumsy with this beautiful virgin, last night Nadine looked nervous in answering questions and she claimed not fluent in Indonesian.

Nadine's new 3-year stay in Indonesia so that he is more fluent in English rather than Indonesian. with the election of Nadine Alexandra Ames goddess she will automatically become vice Indonesia at Miss Universe 2011 event next year. whether she could carry the name of Indonesia to the international level?

Earlier in Election Night Puteri Indonesia 2010, during the election Puteri Indonesia 2010, Nadine looks a little nervous when answering questions from the jury. For example, in round 5 big.

Nadine got a chance to answer questions from Pierre perusset which then represented by Triesna Wacik. The question was a matter of opinion from Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu who said 'if the first step will determine our success next step'.

Nadine answer these questions using the English language fluently, "Lao Tzu's philosophy, in my opinion that the first step is very important. The first step will open our next step, we may be afraid to go first."

DJ Paul Still Cool

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Paula Deen can drop all the n-bombs she wants ... DJ Paul is still down with the celebrity chef, and says he'd love to get in the kitchen with her today.The Three 6 Mafia rapper -- slash chef and celeb caterer -- told us yesterday in NYC ... he's unfazed by the whole controversy surrounding Paula using the n-word.Paul says he was hanging out with Deen at a food festival in NYC minutes before he got arrested in 2012, and added ... "I look at Paula Deen as a mom" ... and she can holla at him anytime. But the Academy Award winner revealed the chef he wants more than a phone call from is Rachael Ray. You gotta hear his metaphor about his weenie and RR's pot ... classic. Talk about danger dogs.

Thunder From Down Under

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A cast member from Thunder From Down Under -- the Las Vegas male strip group -- was hit in the face by a ricocheted bullet after the group confronted an intruder in their dressing room.According to KVVU in Las Vegas, the cast discovered a man rifling through their belongings in their locker room at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino. The cast confronted the man and pushed him out of the locker room and into a courtyard. It was then, the station says, the man pulled out a gun and fired a shot in the air. The shot ricocheted off of a wall ... and hit one of the cast members in the face.Police say the victim's injury was minor and the shooter was taken into custody by police. No abs were harmed during the ordeal.

Astrid Tatumpe Vice Sulawesi North In The Election Puteri Indonesia 2010

Friday, November 22, 2013

Astrid Tatumpe become as vice Sulawesi North in the Election Puteri Indonesia 2010. Masters student Sam Law, University of Ratulangi it hope can succes again like as Angelina Sondakh in 2001.

But when Miss Indonesia North Sulawesi 2009 Anastasia Run-tunuwu give her crown, her confidence returned.

In her mind, have imagined the event the final night of Miss Indonesia 2010, which will be held on 8 October. "Now I am sure I can follow in the footsteps Angelina Sondakh.

She's one of my motivators for displaying the best in the event the noodles. I want it the name of North Sulawesi, not only nationally but also internationally, " she said then smiled.

By pursuing her dream, the girl born in Manado, August 25, 1987 that, while willing to forget her dream became a lecturer of law. Today.

Astrid registered as a student of Master of Law, University of Sam Ratulangi. "From the beginning I want to be a lecturer in order to divide their time between work and family later on. In addition, by becoming a lecturer, I also could be a blessing to others," she said.

Actrice Chaud Indonésien

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Très raisonnable même, si la pose est seulement utilisé comme consommation personnelle . Donc, si ce n'était la propagation de photos personnelles au public ?
Actrice chaud indonésien osé parmi les gens , voir les photos:
  • Tika Putri

Photo sexy jeune actrice Tika Putri similaire circulant sur l'Internet en 2010 . Tika négligemment répondu de ne jamais porter un bikini posant pour la caméra . Tika admis 20 ans, les femmes qui portent le bikini orange et noir en provoquant la propagation n'était pas lui . Selon lui , les photos ont été seulement modifiées. Les stars de cinéma de Queen Bee " a été révélé , il ya des gens qui essaient délibérément de le déranger . Il croit aussi que les personnes qui manipulent la photographie a également fait un faux compte Facebook en utilisant son nom . Bien que Tika a nié que c'était lui , mais les photos pourrait faire une scène.
  • Julia Perez

Julia Perez n'a pas arrêté de faire sensation . Ayant posé comme un candidat potentiel Pacitan vice régent en 2010 , photo sexy apparaît sur Twitter . Sur la photo , Julia Perez milieu agissant en tant que DJ . Elle portait une tenue argentée qui est tout à fait minime , son corps est clairement visible . Non seulement cela, une autre photo est également en circulation . Julia Perez pose pour la campagne électorale la version Pacitan . Sur la photo , Julia Perez torse nu avec paddy fond de champ. Curieusement , si impressionnant pour la campagne , qui est fixé photo Julia Perez vraiment sexy . Julia Perez juste vêtu d'un tissu rouge enroulé autour de la taille aux pieds . Comme pour couvrir la poitrine , il utilise uniquement la main .
  • Dewi Persik

À la fin de 2010, Dewi PERSIK photos coquines circulant sur Internet . Goddard a également admis que sa photo . Sur ces photos , l'ex-épouse de Jamil Saipul il semblait pas de vêtements . Dewi Persik vu couvre seulement les cheveux de la poitrine . En faisant tourner la scie propriétaire a affirmé que la photo a été prise alors qu'il était dans la salle de maquillage dans le bureau de la République de gestion amour appartenant à Ahmad Dhani . A cette époque , il a travaillé sur le clip vidéo .
  • Sheila Marcia

Sheila Marcia a également été influencée par les actions de vilain, vilain photo bondé abordés dans l'Internet a commencé en 2008 . Il ya 5 morceaux de photos prises en studio. La cinquième photo montre la sexy Sheila posant avec des vêtements qui sont trop maigres . Sheila vu portant seulement un soutien-gorge et pantalon chaud motif de réservoir . Sheila affirme également que la photo d'origine et non technique. Sheila accidentellement pris une photo dans une célèbre photo séance photo promo de la maison de production de films . Mais de toute façon l'histoire pourrait être élargi photo . Plus récemment , aussi, Sheila photos coquines dos dispersés . Avant son mariage avec Kiki Mirano le 29 Avril 2011 Sheila photos coquines exposés à ce problème . Dans l'une des photos , Sheila posant avec un homme . L'homme tient les hanches de la femme par derrière comme faire des scènes de sexe . Toutefois, les deux entièrement vêtu . Pendant ce temps , dans une autre photo , la femme décrit avec Sheila similaire aux deux autres . Pose n'était pas moins espiègle que la photo précédente .
  • Syahrini

Récemment répartis Syahrini photos coquines et sa sœur , Aisyahrani sur Internet . Dans l'une des photos semble Syahrini être comblé avec de la mousse recouvrant son corps . Syahrini également vu posant avec trois hommes Vj Daniel est l'un d'entre eux . En fait , Daniel semble continuer sein Syahrini . Pendant ce temps , dans une autre photo , Syahrini vu posant sur un lit . Elle a l'air sexy lingerie bleu. Quelques photos montrent également Syahrini sœur et manager, Aisyahrani . En fait , les images Rani look plus audacieux . Rani regarda embrassant un homme sur le matelas .
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