Girls 07

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Have you ever wondered how to approach girls in large groups? Girls always feel a sense of security when they are in a large group. I guess it's more of a safety issue as they say there is safety in numbers. But it is much deeper level than that. You see girls since little kids like to be identified in a certain group. Like what you would call a clique. For instance, in high school all the popular girls might be cheerleaders and they would often be together. Well this type of behavior can still be carried onto the adult years. Unlike men who get together to watch the latest football game, girls like to get together to eat at a nice fancy restaurant. I'm not saying that men do not do this. But typically most men's ideal of guy’s night out involves heavy drinking, sports watching, or strippers. So the big question for you is how to approach girls in a group. I am not going to lie that this is much easier than approaching a girl that is alone. I mean this is more recommended by seasoned girl hunters like me. But let me go ahead and give you some pointers anyways.

Like I previously said to approach girls in a group is a little more difficult. Confidence is very important. Girls can spot out weakness really easy. They can literally smell blood and fear. One wrong move and you can appear to be the biggest joke of the evening. They be laughing and talking about you all evening. So how do you approach girls in a group can be summed up with just being polite and courteous. For example I can explain by going with the restaurant scenario. What I am giving you is an actual case study of when I ate at Applebee's a few weeks ago. This particular Applebee's is a rest haven of beautiful girls on Friday nights. It is not uncommon to see groups of 4 or 5 single girls eating out before they hit the clubs.

As usual I was sitting at the bar casing the joint. Trying to evaluate the area and picking out the hot girls. Please go back and preview my other article on how to talk to girls in a club if you need more help in this phase of how to approach girls in a group. Now that you spot the group of girls you want to approach, you have to remember this before you make the crucial mistake. The biggest mistake most guys do when they approach a group of girls is that they pick out the one they like the most.

Girls 04

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Here is my honest, straightforward review of Guy Gets Girl. Like I said, Guy Gets Girl is one of the BEST attraction and seduction programs available.

BUT, there are 2 major flaws that I had to find solutions for before I could recommend Guy Gets Girl to anyone. I'll cover those a little later. Let me first give you an inside peek into Guy Gets Girl.

Guy Gets Girl is an interesting approach to teaching men the secrets of attracting, approaching, and seducing women, because it was written by a woman. Tiffany Taylor does a great job of dissecting the common dos and don'ts of attracting women in Guy Gets Girl. She covers the bases, approaching women, what to say to them, and how to keep them guessing. But all from a woman's point of view, which makes you feel like you're getting an insider's look.

Guy Gets Girl displays a great use of levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Taylor's "woman's perspective" gives awesome 'insider' view. The Advanced guide is expertly written and provides strategies many others do not. And the bonuses vary in topic so that you don't feel like you're getting the same info over and over. Overall, great product that guys of all levels will appreciate.

The Guy Gets Girl Beginner's Guide is what it says. It is aimed at the true novice who might not have a clue on how to even begin approaching women. Taylor writes in a very free-flowing format, which sometimes comes across as too soft or vague. But it does a good job of pointing out important elements by using 'Tiffany's Tip Boxes' along the way.

The Guy Gets Girl Intermediate Guide is written by Woody Wilcox, and I have to say is more in-depth than the beginner's guide. It is called, 'A Guy's Guide to: Meeting & Greeting, Dating and Mating The Various Women That You Desire or Everything You Always Needed to Know About Dating and Getting Laid By The Hottest and Most Attractive Babes, But Didn't Know Who To Ask!'

In the process of writing this version of Guy Gets Girl, Woody interviewed 50 women with a list of 50 questions, and compiled the data to provide statistical analysis to back his claims. Some of the results are surprising.

For example, he discusses the timeframe on when women decide if they are interested in a guy. You'll be astonished to find out that within the first minute, 56% of women have already decided if they like you or not. In Woody's words,’ What happens in the very first few seconds of making eye contact, has 20 times more to do with either sealing the deal or going down in flames, than anything else you can possibly think of doing over the next several hours.'

The Guy Gets Girl Advanced Seduction Guide definitely goes many levels deeper than the previous 2 Guy Gets Girl guides. It covers similar topics, but does so in such an in-depth manner that it will have your head spinning. After reading the Guy Gets Girl advanced guide, I totally understood that there is a science to attracting, approaching, and seducing women that I never knew existed.

This guide explores elements such as body language and 'Advanced Scoping.' For example, when you are scoping, you are checking out the environment for women that you would like to approach and attract. Women 'wide-cast' and send out subtle signals to the entire room that they want to be approached.

Breaking News

Monday, January 21, 2013

The United Nations, yesterday, said it would not relent on its effort to persuade Nigeria to repeal the law that criminalised same sex marriage in the country, even as it adduced reasons why it would not in the meantime, impose any sanction on the nation.

Addressing a press conference at the end of her four days working visit to Nigeria, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, while advocating for adequate protection of the rights of lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transgender, LGBT, yesterday, described the same sex marriage law as “draconian and illegal”, saying “the law already appears to be having other dangerous side effects.”

Pillay, who was in the country to appraise human right situations, said the UN would  forthwith hold the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mohammed Bello Adoke, SAN, accountable to his assurances that the same sex marriage law was not in any way intended to criminalise individual sexual orientations.

According to the South African born UN Chief, “In the twenty years since the office of the UN Commissioner for Human Rights was created, this is the first time any High Commissioner has visited Nigeria. I am grateful to the government for inviting me.”

”This is a very important country, with easily the largest population in Africa, big ambitions and huge potential. On the international level, Nigeria has been playing an increasingly significant role in the Human Rights Council in Geneva and is currently a member of the Security Council. It can, and I believe should, play an even more significant role on the international stage in the years to come, and its embrace of human rights will be a major element in deciding its future course both internally and internationally.

”One of the groups living in fear is Nigeria’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. The new law known as the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition Act) goes far beyond prohibiting same sex marriage- which was illegal anyway.

”The law violates international law in that it is discriminatory and seriously impinges on freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, and could lead to human rights defenders advocating for the rights of LGBT people receiving draconian prison sentences.

”There is also concern among medical specialists that it will have serious negative consequences for public health in Nigeria, by driving LGBT persons underground and deterring them from signing up for HIV educational programmes, prevention, treatment and care services. Given that Nigeria currently has the second largest HIV epidemic in the world, this would be a heavy blow to the efforts to combat HIV.

”The law already appears to be having other dangerous side effects, even before it comes into force, with my office  receiving reports of widespread arrests of LGBT people in some states, some physical attacks, including by mobs, and other forms  of harassment such as a rise in blackmail and extortion. It is for these reasons, among others, that this law has aroused such controversy on the international level.

”As someone who grew up in South Africa under apartheid, and was discriminated against both because of my colour and my gender, I am acutely aware of the terrible effects of discrimination and intolerance.

”The UN Secretary General had roundly condemned the same sex marriage Act because we believe that it contravenes international laws  and the African Union Charter which Nigeria signed to.

Another Messy Record Label Fight Between Kennis Music And Jaywon!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kennis Music and one of its star artistes, Jaywon have been on issues. The fight started when Jaywon indicated interest to eave the label before the expiration of his contract. The label refused to grant his wish, insisting that his contract has not expired. Right now, Jaywon has not only written Kennis requesting for his contract to be terminated, but also offered to buy out the remainder of his contract. Kennis Music on the other hand has written to all broadcasters to stop playing any material from Jaywon, pending the resolution of the contract buy-out request.

See Kennis statement after the cut:

“Jaywon has written a letter via his lawyer requesting for his contract with Kennis Music to be terminated. Jaywon wrote, in the same letter, his readiness and willingness to pay off all costs therein accordingly.

“Meanwhile, Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria IBAN MEMBERS and all broadcasters on all platforms are hereby advised to Un-list the works (Either single performances or and collaborations) of Iledare Oluwajuwonlo James aka Jaywon from their respective rotational play lists until his (Jaywon) request to buy over his contract is fully completed, to avoid litigation.”

Girls 03

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Let's save a girl child and stand against the genocide that is taking place in the society. Feticide is the most dastardly form of violence against women. Since the technology for sex determination first came into being, sex selective abortion has unleashed a saga of horror in India. In fact nature intended the womb to be a safe space place for nurturing and grooming the foetus before the child could take birth. But today, doctors have made it the most unsafe space for the female child by unleashing the terror of feticide. Today a girl child is several times more likely to be eliminated before birth in India than die of various causes in the first year of her existence.

Although foetal sex determination and sex selection is a criminal offence in India, the practice is rampant. Private clinics with ultrasound machines and other latest technologies are doing brisk business. Everywhere, people are paying to know the sex of an unborn child and paying more to abort the female child.

The technology has even reached remote areas of the country through facilities like mobile clinics. People are getting sex determination done even for the first child.
Earlier when the technology was not available to know the sex of the foetus, the girl child used to be killed by putting a sand bag on her face or strangulating her or some poison used to be applied on the breasts of the mother.

The irony was that neither mothers nor their family members used to express any kind of sorrow on the deaths of their baby daughters. Now the scenario has changed. With the help of new technologies one can easily detect the sex of the foetus. So the practice of female infanticide has been replaced by female feticide.

Female feticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. Actually at every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, education and living standard. When she is in the womb, she is eliminated before she can enter the world. If by chance she takes birth then at the time of birth her relatives pull her back and wrung her neck and after killing her she is thrown into a trash can.

If she gets lucky to survive the early feticide and infanticide then her childhood is not more than a punishment with her brother getting all the attention with new shoes, dresses and books to learn while she is gifted a broom, a wiper and lots of tears. In her teenage, she misses nutritious food to eat and gets only the left over crumbs. During the age when she should be in college she is hurriedly "married off" leading to conditions where she remains ever dependent on others for her survival.

She does not have either social or economic independence. Further her illiteracy, lack of education results in unwanted and early pregnancies, high fertility rate. This further aggravates the overall condition of females in the country. Again if this female gives birth to a girl child, the whole journey cycle of murder and discrimination begins all over again.

As per some studies the industry of ultrasound and sonography, sex-selection and female feticide is around 500 crores in India and this is run through small clinics, midwives, unregistered doctors and big hospitals. They conduct the abortions very secretly and many a times they become the reason for the death of many women. Many Doctors are involved in this widespread malpractice to make easy money. Actually it is a very profitable business. The machines have become cheaper, so even a new medical graduate can quickly set up a business. It may be illegal but it's very rare that in India medical council debars anyone for ethical malpractice.

It is high time that now Doctors are made responsible and accountable. In fact they are the ones who had aggressively promoted the misuse of technology and legitimized feticide. They created a weapon of mass destruction. Worst of worst some Doctors feel that they are doing a great social service and feel happy to provide this service to parents desperate to have a son, in the belief that they are preventing the birth of an unwanted child.

Today when the laws are getting stricter the method of revealing the sex is becoming more oblique. Now either the doctor will hand out blue or pink candy to the family members as they leave or make a remark during the examination by saying something like "Your child will be a fighter" or "The baby is like a doll." It is a clear fact that since the implementation of the legislation has taken place, the business has gone underground. The proof is the ever increasing number of feticide around the country especially in north India.

Now the Doctors who disclose the sex expect an under-the-table fee for breaking the law, ranging from a few hundred rupees in poorer areas to several thousand in more prosperous regions. The plain and simple truth is that the medical fraternity has not been sufficiently regulated in India and there is no sufficient deterrent or awareness even among the medical fraternity which can prevent these malpractices from taking place in the first instance.

Let's now look at the figures which speak the truth for itself. According to the last official census figures, India with its nationwide ratio of 933 women for 1,000 men had a deficit of 35 million women when it entered the new millennium. Experts are calling it "sanitised barbarism". UN figures tell that about 750,000 girls are aborted every year in India. It as genocide: "More than 6 million killed in 20 years. That's the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust."

Demographic trends indicate India is fast heading towards a million female fetuses aborted each year. In India, if the 1991 Census showed that two districts had a child sex ratio (number of girls per thousand boys) less than 850; by 2001 it were 51 districts. The irony is that the nation of so called goddess and mothers still follows a culture where people idolize the birth of son and mourn the birth of daughters.

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