Girls 30

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Here is my honest, straightforward review of Guy Gets Girl. Like I said, Guy Gets Girl is one of the BEST attraction and seduction programs available.


BUT, there are 2 major flaws that I had to find solutions for before I could recommend Guy Gets Girl to anyone. I'll cover those a little later. Let me first give you an inside peek into Guy Gets Girl.

Detailed Review of Guy Gets Girl


Guy Gets Girl is an interesting approach to teaching men the secrets of attracting, approaching, and seducing women, because it was written by a woman. Tiffany Taylor does a great job of dissecting the common dos and don'ts of attracting women in Guy Gets Girl. She covers the bases, approaching women, what to say to them, and how to keep them guessing. But all from a woman's point of view, which makes you feel like you're getting an insider's look.


Girls 21

Friday, October 19, 2012

Flower girls add much glee to a wedding entourage. While these little girls look so adorable down the aisle, these little girls usher the way of the brides with flower petals. These little girls deserve the best dress for the wedding day. Walking down the aisle as a flower girl can be a great experience your daughter may share with other members of the family.

Traditional flower girls are carrying flowers which would signify good luck to the newlyweds. A flourishing love shall nurture the future family of the couple and flower girls bring in the prosperity into the couple's married life.

This cute little should have a dress that would be a stunner just like the blushing bride's wedding gown. Choosing the best little girl's dress for your wedding day can be a challenging task to face. There are a lot of designs and options which you can choose from but picking out the best among the rest is quite difficult.
Little girl dresses should complement the entire theme and motif of the wedding. In choosing the best dress for your flower girls, there are specific things which you should take into consideration. You should be creative and imaginative to make your little flower miss beam with pride as they usher your way into the altar.

In choosing the dress you must consider the style, color and fabric as well as the formality of the occasion. Your little girls should complement the wedding gown and should blend well with the outfit of the entire entourage.

As a bride to be, you must always choose the best on this once in a lifetime occasion. Your closest friends and families are all present on your wedding day. Thus you should prepare to make this wedding extra special. Here are several tips to ponder on how to glam up your flower bearer's gown on your wedding day

Girls 18

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Learning how to attract girls becomes easy when you finally grasp how attraction works with women. Attracting girls can simply be taught like any other skill and requires basic understanding of the female psychology. Most men don't have that understanding since they have created false beliefs about girls and have been taught the wrong things about attracting girls throughout their lives.

Remember how your mother used to tell you to be nice to girls? Or how your buddies tried to impress girls and so you thought these were the best ways to attract a girl and interact with girls? Maybe it worked when you were little, but the more you got older and kept applying the same techniques to attract girls they seemed to backfire. You've never made it past the point of rejection and were never able to figure out how to get a girls phone number so you ended up feeling frustrated and confused. I want to shake you and make you snap out of it, because you're making it way to hard for yourself.

Attracting girls really shouldn't be that hard at all. Now that you know that being the nice guy and trying to impress women is not the right way to interact with women, I want to teach you some techniques to attract girls that actually do work. It's okay if right now you're not getting how stop being a nice guy can be a good thing and can add up to your success with women, but I'm sure you've had times that you scratched your head and wondered why girls always fall for bad guys.

Women say they want a nice guy, but most of the time they end up with a bad boy. Truth is, most women think they want a nice guy, but respond to something very different in a man. They certainly don't fall for bad guys because they want to be treated bad but are most likely attracted to some personality traits that a bad guy possesses, such as being exciting, fun and challenging.

Learning how to attract girls is a very counterintuitive process in itself. Women and men few dating in different ways and tapping into these little female secrets can be a huge advantage for you. To attract girls you have to attain some of these traits that I've mentioned above and make them your own. Here are a few ways to attract a girl and some traits that most women find attractive in men.

Girls 19

Monday, October 1, 2012

Most men don't know how to approach a girl and how to talk to girls the right way.

When they approach a girl they keep doing the same things they always do, the things that don't work over and over again excepting a different outcome. It doesn't work like that. Things to talk about with girls just don't come easily to these men.

It could be that you're one of those men who don’t know how to approach a girl and how to talk to girls. Men have been taught to chase after girls and so you belief you have to move mountains to get the woman you like. You need to know a bunch to approach a girl and be good at it too. First of all, you have to find some interesting topics and things to talk about with girls, approach a girl, initiate a conversation, keep that conversation going and make it all work.
It is all up to you if you ever want to be with a woman.

These thoughts scare men off and it puts a lot of pressure on them. And as if that wasn't enough, there's always the treat of rejection which makes approaching a girl a frustrating process on itself.

Learning how to approach a girl shouldn't be that hard though. It can be pretty easy. I want to take a minute and change the way you perceive dating. Most men take it way too serious and act as if their lives depend on it.

Try to perceive it as a game. Don't get emotionally attached to it when a girl rejects you and try to perceive every rejection as a way to learn and become better.
You're probably wondering how to approach a girl and what to say to her? I must say that things to talk about with girls are not so hard to come up with either though I recommend to stay away from pick up lines that you can find all over the internet these days. If you ever want to learn how to approach a girl here are some tips on how to do it.
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