Girls 16

Thursday, September 27, 2012

While it's hardly fair to describe the girls in Pattaya as being unique in that they are mostly Thai girls, it can be fairly said that there is a uniqueness about them that is challenging to define.

To truly get a handle on what the girls in Pattaya are really about, it's necessary to carry out some research into the background and culture of these delectable creatures to fully comprehend why they do the things they do, and to be able to deal with the oft times tragic and other times hilarious behavior they often display.

If you are new to or are planning your first trip to Thailand, be well advised to do bit of digging around for at least some information on the girls in Pattaya and in Thailand overall before you take the plunge.

My memory takes me back to my first trip to Thailand ten years ago, as an incompetent, bumbling and extremely naïve "Pattaya Virgin."

I was the typical middle aged "farang" (foreigner) who was just surfacing after a particularly harrowing and debilitating break up with my western wife of fifteen years. I guess I was seeking some sort of consolation and understanding in the arms of whoever was willing to listen.

While there are many of the girls in Pattaya who are more than capable of providing me with what I sought, my lack of education about these beautiful and at times little she demons, almost had me plunging headlong back into the murky pit of despair I was trying so hard to climb out of.

Fortunately I was traveling with a couple of "Pattaya Wise" friends who were well versed in the wiles of the bar girls in Pattaya and who were just able to grab my heels in time before I started falling hopelessly in love with almost every bar girl in Pattaya my hungry, ogling and somewhat lustful gaze fell upon.

Before venturing into Thailand it's imperative to be aware that Thailand is a nation whose culture is vastly different from that of the West. It is for ninety percent of the populace, steeped in Tao Buddhism and many things we of the west might consider strange or abhorrent are not only accepted in Thailand but are indeed the norm.

Girls 15

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Michael: I'm really impressing Janet. I've told her all about myself-the amount of wealth I have, the places I have been, the people I know, the kind of house I live. She must be dying to date me!

Janet: why is Michael disturbing me for God sake? I wish the ground could open and swallow me up! Can't he take a hint? How can I end this conversation without being rude?

YES, you're old enough to date. You'd like to find someone who is attractive and who shares your feelings. In the past, though, each time you felt as though you crashed and burnt.

If you'd like to get to know a girl better, what factors do you need to consider? And what principles would you do well to remember?

Before you decide to pursuit a particular girl, there are some basic skills you need to master, and these will help you to be friend of anyone. Consider the following.

Maintain your personal hygiene. Good hygiene shows respect not only for others but also for you. If you respect yourself, others are more likely to respect you. On the other hand, if you let your hygiene slide, you'll sabotage your efforts to impress a girl.

WHAT GIRLS SAY: "One boy who was interested in me had really bad breath. I just couldn't get past that."-Mabel, 23.

Cultivate good manners. Good manners show that you are matured. However, good manners aren't like a suit you wear to impress others but take off when you get home. Ask yourself, 'do I display good manners when dealing with my family members?' If not, then it will seem force when you do so while interacting with others outside your home. Remember, to find out the type of person you really are, a discerning girl will look at the way you treat members of your family.

Girls 14

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Want your girl to do more during her summer vacation than sit at home and become addicted to soap operas? You might think about planning a week or two at a girl’s camp. While she could learn important life lessons and has a great time at any summer camp, girls-only camps are great options for girls because the counselors at girls' camps also strive to address issues specific to girls. If your daughter is the high adventure type, she does not have to worry about missing out on anything by attending a girls' camp. There are girls-only camps for almost any activity or interest your daughter might want to pursue.

Some girls will tell you the best feature of a girls' camp is that there are only girls there, no boys. In an environment with no boys, girls feel more free to participate in any activity they choose, such as swimming, without feeling uncomfortable around the boys. They don't have to worry about boys laughing at them if they attempt an activity and don't do as well as a boy might.

In this atmosphere, girls can participate in sports such as running, basketball, archery and range shooting without having to worry about competing with the boys. Counselors at these girls-only camps can also address self-esteem issues specific to girls such as weight, dieting and attractiveness. Some parents also prefer a girls-only camp because they don't have to worry that any hanky panky will be going on during their child's week at camp.

Probably one of the most well known girls-only camps is Girl Scout Camp. These camps can be found in locations all across the United States. Unlike privately owned or family owned camps, girls who wish to attend Girl Scout camp must be an active member of the Girl Scouts. Unlike some camps your daughter could attend, Girl Scout camps are more traditional in nature. They offer a mix of the usual camp activities such as swimming, canoeing, archery and horseback riding. A week or two at Girl Scout camp is usually reasonably priced and within most families' budgets.

Girls 11

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Little girls just are different to boys. They like more social rather than competitive games and don't enjoy getting wet and dirty quite as much as a boy if at all. If you are having a single gender party for your daughter here are some great games and entertainment ideas.

Divide the girls into two or three groups. Give them a list of articles to find. These articles can be outside - long leaf, round leaf, feather, stone, etc. Or inside - crayon, video, pillow, spoon, doll, etc. Depending on their ages have between 20 and 30 items on the list. This will keep them very busy. Another version is to tell each group to find items for each letter of the alphabet - apple, ball, comic book, etc. They can become very inventive.

Girls are natural information sharers.
Let them sit in a circle. Each girl has a number of beans or cocktail sticks. The party girl starts by saying "I have never ..." and names something she has never done. If any of the other girls have done this activity they give a bean or stick to her. The next girl to her right then repeats the phrase. Give them examples like - never seen Shrek, never danced with a boy, etc.

Girls 08

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Many parents worry about sending young children off to school "alone" especially with a young girl. While there are plenty of teachers, advisors and resident advisors available to supervise and counsel students those people aren't omniscient. Parent's worry as a rule and sending your daughter to boarding school is no exception. So why girls are only schools an attractive idea? There are several reasons indicated by parents and by empirical research.

Girls only boarding school are single sex academic institutions with only girls boarding and attending classes. Some schools may have brother schools or co-ed social events throughout the year. Many parents consider girls only boarding schools because research indicates that girls often learn more, gain more confidence and have fewer distractions while attending a single sex institution. The research supports these theories and indicates that girls learn differently from boys. Research studies on girls schools especially boarding and girls classroom activity focus on distraction, teacher training and bias, social environment, confidence, involvement and learning style.

The boarding aspect of the experience is much less stressful for parents because the worry about young girls and boys being mixed in a social atmosphere is taken away. There are always rules in place that regulate an opposite sex visitor's presence in a dorm. Of course rules are sometimes violated and teenagers can be increasingly creative. The daily social environment may be adolescent boy free which is a relief to most parents. Of course such schools generally make an effort to have co-ed dances, outings and activities.

All living spaces are equally available to girls which can be a plus. In my high school and college experiences the male dorms were often more centrally located and closer to facilities. This isn't a concern in the girls' only boarding school.

Less distraction is an obvious benefit of a single sex classroom. Girls are able to focus on school work and activities that they enjoy. Time spent worrying about male reactions to their dress, intelligence or participation level is a non-issue. That time can be spent on research, class work, and building a solid educational foundation. Fewer distractions mean that a girl can focus on being herself, finding out who she is, exploring the world around her and taking full advantage of the opportunities that the school offers.

She will also benefit from an environment catered to young women. The social expectations and stereotypes are pushed aside. Girls' sports teams aren't put on the back burner, decor doesn't need to be neutralized to accommodate both sexes, and every decision made for or by students is in the young women's interest.

The default in classroom environments is generally male oriented authors, achievements and pronouns. In a girls' school classes may be more focused on female achievements and contributions, thereby fostering a sense of pride in each girl in attendance. Girls are not just encouraged to participate, they do participate. Even a shy young woman will witness other girls tackling problems, coursework and challenges daily. The norm is that a female opinion and contribution is valued and expected. Girls are expected and encouraged to be leaders and to be active in athletics, student government and debates.

Your daughter will also benefit from teachers who are trained and experienced in educating girls. These teachers work in a girls' school because they believe in educating and encouraging young women. They understand how girls learn and are especially equipped to provide the kind of encouragement a girl needs in order to extract the most from a lesson. These teachers can provide and highlight role models which appeal to girls. As far as advisors there will always be someone experienced in handling concerns and problems that a young woman may face. In a traditional environment identifying that person may be difficult, but in a girls only structure the choices are plenty.

The number of women in positions of power is still a small percentage. There is still an invisible glass ceiling in most professions. The assumption is that girls just can't do certain things. In a girls boarding school environment that expectation is flipped. Girls are expected to do all of those things whether academic, athletic, creative, leadership or community oriented. Your daughter's career aspirations will not be limited or discouraged in a girls' school setting. Girls are consistently told and expected to run organizations, initiatives, create solutions and achieve results. Simply put girls are encouraged to lead, speak their mind, innovate and given the tools to achieve those goals.

The flip side of the argument is that this environment is unrealistic. Some believe that a girl's only school does not prepare young women for the real world where we constantly interact with the opposite sex. There are researchers and parents who believe that girl’s only schools, especially boarding school because of the living environment, interrupt female and male socialization. Girls do miss the daily interaction that would naturally occur in a co-ed school.

The concept of a girls only school implies that the male presence suppresses female self-actualization. Young women in a girls only boarding school may grow up to view men negatively because of this assumption. This negative positioning plus the failure to relate socially can harm future relationships and opportunities in the workplace. The social experience of being in a co-ed setting should not be totally discounted. There are scores of women who achieve the same results in a co-ed environment. They become leaders, pioneers and focus just as intently. There are teachers who encourage both genders equally and expect excellence from all students. Taking all of these points into consideration a family must weigh the pros, cons and other factors. The decision of sending your daughter to a girls only boarding school is ultimately up to the individual student and their family.
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