World Expo Group International Exhibition

Monday, July 30, 2012

Well known Brands' automobile groups treat Auto as one of the important international A-Class auto shows, no matter what the investments, quantity, or quality of exhibited vehicles, the first appearance cars and concept cars are. Present during the press day were General Motors Corporation Chairman G. Based on the theme of the Auto Shanghai , which was 'Technology and Nature in Harmony', exhibitors showcased and unveiled their energy saving, solar energy, non-air polluting cars. This made the Auto Shanghai a high-tech event, which has the ability to profoundly transform the concept of car.

Girls 28

Thursday, July 12, 2012


There can be hope for the girl child in terms of a bright future if we can tackle one of the greatest challenges of human existence i.e. the challenge of gender discrimination and bias. Only gender equality with total women empowerment can ensure a safe and secure future for the girl. When women are healthy, educated and free to take the opportunities of life, they prosper. When women prosper in life the family in turn flourishes and flourishing families with assertive women in charge ensure bright future for the baby girl.

Hope for the girl child: The necessity of strong and healthy women


Children who are the future wealth of a nation can flourish and thrive only when women in the family and the society are healthy, educated and independent in terms of making informed choices about their life. But the situation is far from ideal. Women are facing extreme hardships and marginalization because of gender based discrimination and bias. They are subjected to innumerable forms of violence and hardships.

Majority of Women in large parts of the world are weak and are subjected to a life which is totally dependent on others. She faces domestic violence, falls in the trap of commercial sexual exploitation and faces the brunt of harmful traditional practices such as early marriage, premature pregnancy, female genital mutilation etc. The negative consequences of all this is faced by the baby girl. The practice of girl child feticide, infanticide, low enrollment into education, abuse and a life of misery and deprivation is what that is in offering for the girl child when women are weak and they are not able to take care of their children.

Girls 27

Thursday, July 12, 2012

It's a difficult problem we all seem to get in; you start feeling for your best friend, or girls close to you who you get along with so well. The problem is, what if they don't like you back? Fear no longer, for there is a way to determine if she likes you, figure out a way to ask her out if she does like you, and hopefully live happily ever after.


As a start the most important element is to ensure that this girl really IS interested in you in return. This is unfortunately the part where even I myself go wrong, in that you assume because she is fun, flirty and loves to talk to you, that she has an interest in possible dating.


The problem is sometimes girls are just like this with every guy, even when they are already happy in a relationship. This is generally because they merely love the attention and thrill of flirting with another guy, even if it will never lead anywhere. Not that girls in relationships are always happy, she may be on the lookout for a better guy, and luckily there is an incredibly simple way to check:


Take a look at how she treats other guys. See how she treats her other guy friends, those in your workplace/school and so on. If she doesn't treat you any different she probably doesn't have an interest in dating you. That's not to say she'll never have an interest in you, just that you shouldn't make any moves yet.

Girls 100%

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Getting a girl to like you is actually quite easy. The trick is to be focused on first finding a girl that shows interest. Many guys get caught up on one girl. If the girl doesn't like you, you can't try to fight human nature. First you have to find a girl, be presentable, and be interesting. Once you have sparked the interest, many girls will like you and it will happen automatically. The trick is getting enough girls interested in talking with you.

It's not always as easy as some people think, but it's usually never as hard as people try to make it sound. You just have to repeat a method a few times, and you will probably find success. But don't get ahead of yourself. You can't fight human nature. So you have to find things that work towards your advantage.

How do you get a girl to like you? You need to be different. Girls do not like plain and boring. They do like exciting and unique, and adventurous. First decide what you want. Do you want quite, or outgoing, blond or brunette. Try to get specific as you can about the type of girl you want. Then you need to find out what sort of things that girl likes. If you want an adventurous girl, you have no chance if you continue to "be yourself' if you are someone who is afraid of his own shadow. You have to become the person that they want to be with. Then spend time doing the things they like to do with them. If climbing rocks gets their adrenaline going, and gets there heart pounding, and you go everyday to climb with them... they're going to associate those good feelings with you.

The problem with many guys is they don't have enough girls to even show interest. Another common problem is they refuse to change. In either case, the solution is the same, approach and talk to lots of girls until you are more comfortable, and you can measure what tends to work more often than not in getting a girl interested in you. Once a girl shows interest then you can get their number and start doing the things they like doing with them. Even if it's not with the girl you want to like you, you have to learn to practice, practice, and practice some more. Figure out what makes girls feel good (laugh), and what doesn't, and at what stages. You need to actually practice getting girl’s interest and attention, and that may mean failing a few times.

The dating industry is a big business. There are thousands of products, and millions of people buy them every year. But don't expect girls to automatically be interested in meeting you if your approach is off regardless of what pheromone cologne you might use. The problem is no approach works all of the time, and no approach that has success when used by one guy will always produce the same result with someone else.
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