17 Year Old Nigerian Girl Stabbed

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A 17-year-old Nigerian girl Forester Samson (pictured above) was stabbed and burnt to death in Moscow, Russia by yet to be identified Russian gangstars, according to a report by Sunday Sun. Find the full report below
Sunday Sun gathered that she was murdered  by yet-to-be-identified Russian gangsters. According to a family source, the perpetrators went further to lock her body in a room and set it ablaze. Though, the police took her to the  hospital, it was rather futile.
The source revealed that Forester was sponsored abroad by one Mercy who is suspected to be trafficking  Nigerian girls  on the promise that she would assist them  with  decent jobs in Russia. The teenager  without hesitation, but with the approval of her mother jumped at the offer with high hopes.
According to the deceased’s elder sister, Sonia Samson, they got a call from  Mercy, on Tuesday March 4,  2014 that Forester had died in an inferno. She added that the family was later told that Forester was stabbed before being set ablaze.

Sonia said,  “Her madam is the one that called us on Tuesday and told us she was locked in a room and set ablaze by some unknown Russians. She told us that she was rushed to the hospital, that they were treating her.

“Later that day, she also told us that she was initially stabbed before she was burnt. Not too long after, she told us that she was dead. The madam said she was not the only victim in the attack. She said there were five other Nigerians, that another one died four or  five days after the attack.

“My sister died mysteriously, just as another sister of mine was also killed by  armed robbers. Sincerely, I am confused because I don’t know why all this is happening to us. Particularly for me, it is so painful that I don’t really know what to say or do. This is a difficult time for the family and I believe we need to be more prayerful more than ever before.”

The late Forester, who would have been celebrating  her 18th  birthday on March 30  hails from Igbekhue in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo State. She   completed her secondary education  in 2013.

Forester’s father, Friday Osazuwa  Samson was killed four years ago in Benin by suspected armed robbers. He was shot in broad daylight in front of his shop at Upper Sakponba. Until Friday’s death, he was a successful businessman, a distributor  with Sona and Bendel breweries.

Siblings and other relatives of the late Forester’s father are worried and pained by circumstances surrounding how Forester was lured into traveling to Russia, which they described as shady. Recognizing the fact that she did not travel to Russia for further education, even as they were not also informed of such plans, they are calling on concerned authorities to wade into the matter.

They are accusing Mercy of human trafficking and  calling on National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) to investigate the activities of this said Mercy. They also want the Nigerian Embassy in Russia to as a matter of urgency unravel the mystery surrounding the death of their daughter.

The dastardly act took place on March 3,  2014. Since the news  broke, the entire family has been thrown into mourning.

Sonia, who still finds it difficult to believe that her sister was gone, lamented that Forester’s death was too painful for her to easily accept. To her, she would have better been dreaming and be glad  that the story was not true.

Meanwhile, Forester’s uncle, Mr Saturday Samson Osazuwa accused Forester’s mother of conniving with the said madam (Mercy) to deceive and persuade the teenager to travel abroad. He queried why Forester’s mother, Elizabeth, decided to hide his niece’s whereabouts from him. Saturday, who now acts as a father figure to the children since their father’s death, said the mother refused to disclose where Forester was, even as he insisted on seeing her.

Said he: “The mother was aware that Forester had traveled abroad. Not just that,  I believe she was part of the arrangement that her  17-year-old daughter  should  travel abroad. It is really unfortunate and wicked of her to have taken that decision.

“If my brother, her husband was alive, he would never allow such a thing for any of  his children. What was Forester looking for in Russia? Was it to go there and school? Certainly not. Now, she has caused the entire family pain and sorrow. The girl was beautiful and intelligent. I still cannot understand what she was sent to Russia to do at her tender age.

“For more than five months, her mother was dribbling me whenever I wanted to see Forester. I sent for her to come and see me on a number of occasions but they kept telling me that she was residing with her mother’s relatives in Benin here only for me to receive a call from them that she was dead in a fire accident in Russia. This is the girl that they kept telling me was in Benin. Until her death, the mother refused to tell anybody in our family. If she thought that the children belonged to her alone, that is where she’s mistaken.”

Also, an uncle of late Forester’s father, Mr Evabayekha Christopher, described Forester’s mother as  callous. He wondered why any reasonable mother would send her own daughter  abroad for monetary reasons.

His words: “What exactly will Forester be doing  abroad when she was supposed to be studying at the University of Benin or any other higher institution of learning in Nigeria? What she did is unacceptable to every member of our family.”

Girls 30

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Here is my honest, straightforward review of Guy Gets Girl. Like I said, Guy Gets Girl is one of the BEST attraction and seduction programs available.


BUT, there are 2 major flaws that I had to find solutions for before I could recommend Guy Gets Girl to anyone. I'll cover those a little later. Let me first give you an inside peek into Guy Gets Girl.

Detailed Review of Guy Gets Girl


Guy Gets Girl is an interesting approach to teaching men the secrets of attracting, approaching, and seducing women, because it was written by a woman. Tiffany Taylor does a great job of dissecting the common dos and don'ts of attracting women in Guy Gets Girl. She covers the bases, approaching women, what to say to them, and how to keep them guessing. But all from a woman's point of view, which makes you feel like you're getting an insider's look.


Girls 21

Friday, October 19, 2012


Flower girls add much glee to a wedding entourage. While these little girls look so adorable down the aisle, these little girls usher the way of the brides with flower petals. These little girls deserve the best dress for the wedding day. Walking down the aisle as a flower girl can be a great experience your daughter may share with other members of the family.


Traditional flower girls are carrying flowers which would signify good luck to the newlyweds. A flourishing love shall nurture the future family of the couple and flower girls bring in the prosperity into the couple's married life.


This cute little should have a dress that would be a stunner just like the blushing bride's wedding gown. Choosing the best little girl's dress for your wedding day can be a challenging task to face. There are a lot of designs and options which you can choose from but picking out the best among the rest is quite difficult.

Little girl dresses should complement the entire theme and motif of the wedding. In choosing the best dress for your flower girls, there are specific things which you should take into consideration. You should be creative and imaginative to make your little flower miss beam with pride as they usher your way into the altar.


In choosing the dress you must consider the style, color and fabric as well as the formality of the occasion. Your little girls should complement the wedding gown and should blend well with the outfit of the entire entourage.


As a bride to be, you must always choose the best on this once in a lifetime occasion. Your closest friends and families are all present on your wedding day. Thus you should prepare to make this wedding extra special. Here are several tips to ponder on how to glam up your flower bearer's gown on your wedding day

Girls 18

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Learning how to attract girls becomes easy when you finally grasp how attraction works with women. Attracting girls can simply be taught like any other skill and requires basic understanding of the female psychology. Most men don't have that understanding since they have created false beliefs about girls and have been taught the wrong things about attracting girls throughout their lives.


Remember how your mother used to tell you to be nice to girls? Or how your buddies tried to impress girls and so you thought these were the best ways to attract a girl and interact with girls? Maybe it worked when you were little, but the more you got older and kept applying the same techniques to attract girls they seemed to backfire. You've never made it past the point of rejection and were never able to figure out how to get a girls phone number so you ended up feeling frustrated and confused. I want to shake you and make you snap out of it, because you're making it way to hard for yourself.


Attracting girls really shouldn't be that hard at all. Now that you know that being the nice guy and trying to impress women is not the right way to interact with women, I want to teach you some techniques to attract girls that actually do work. It's okay if right now you're not getting how stop being a nice guy can be a good thing and can add up to your success with women, but I'm sure you've had times that you scratched your head and wondered why girls always fall for bad guys.


Women say they want a nice guy, but most of the time they end up with a bad boy. Truth is, most women think they want a nice guy, but respond to something very different in a man. They certainly don't fall for bad guys because they want to be treated bad but are most likely attracted to some personality traits that a bad guy possesses, such as being exciting, fun and challenging.


Learning how to attract girls is a very counterintuitive process in itself. Women and men few dating in different ways and tapping into these little female secrets can be a huge advantage for you. To attract girls you have to attain some of these traits that I've mentioned above and make them your own. Here are a few ways to attract a girl and some traits that most women find attractive in men.



Girls 19

Monday, October 1, 2012


Most men don't know how to approach a girl and how to talk to girls the right way.

When they approach a girl they keep doing the same things they always do, the things that don't work over and over again excepting a different outcome. It doesn't work like that. Things to talk about with girls just don't come easily to these men.


It could be that you're one of those men who don’t know how to approach a girl and how to talk to girls. Men have been taught to chase after girls and so you belief you have to move mountains to get the woman you like. You need to know a bunch to approach a girl and be good at it too. First of all, you have to find some interesting topics and things to talk about with girls, approach a girl, initiate a conversation, keep that conversation going and make it all work.
It is all up to you if you ever want to be with a woman.


These thoughts scare men off and it puts a lot of pressure on them. And as if that wasn't enough, there's always the treat of rejection which makes approaching a girl a frustrating process on itself.


Learning how to approach a girl shouldn't be that hard though. It can be pretty easy. I want to take a minute and change the way you perceive dating. Most men take it way too serious and act as if their lives depend on it.


Try to perceive it as a game. Don't get emotionally attached to it when a girl rejects you and try to perceive every rejection as a way to learn and become better.

You're probably wondering how to approach a girl and what to say to her? I must say that things to talk about with girls are not so hard to come up with either though I recommend to stay away from pick up lines that you can find all over the internet these days. If you ever want to learn how to approach a girl here are some tips on how to do it.



Girls 16

Thursday, September 27, 2012


While it's hardly fair to describe the girls in Pattaya as being unique in that they are mostly Thai girls, it can be fairly said that there is a uniqueness about them that is challenging to define.

To truly get a handle on what the girls in Pattaya are really about, it's necessary to carry out some research into the background and culture of these delectable creatures to fully comprehend why they do the things they do, and to be able to deal with the oft times tragic and other times hilarious behavior they often display.


If you are new to or are planning your first trip to Thailand, be well advised to do bit of digging around for at least some information on the girls in Pattaya and in Thailand overall before you take the plunge.

My memory takes me back to my first trip to Thailand ten years ago, as an incompetent, bumbling and extremely naïve "Pattaya Virgin."


I was the typical middle aged "farang" (foreigner) who was just surfacing after a particularly harrowing and debilitating break up with my western wife of fifteen years. I guess I was seeking some sort of consolation and understanding in the arms of whoever was willing to listen.


While there are many of the girls in Pattaya who are more than capable of providing me with what I sought, my lack of education about these beautiful and at times little she demons, almost had me plunging headlong back into the murky pit of despair I was trying so hard to climb out of.


Fortunately I was traveling with a couple of "Pattaya Wise" friends who were well versed in the wiles of the bar girls in Pattaya and who were just able to grab my heels in time before I started falling hopelessly in love with almost every bar girl in Pattaya my hungry, ogling and somewhat lustful gaze fell upon.


Before venturing into Thailand it's imperative to be aware that Thailand is a nation whose culture is vastly different from that of the West. It is for ninety percent of the populace, steeped in Tao Buddhism and many things we of the west might consider strange or abhorrent are not only accepted in Thailand but are indeed the norm.


Girls 15

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Michael: I'm really impressing Janet. I've told her all about myself-the amount of wealth I have, the places I have been, the people I know, the kind of house I live. She must be dying to date me!


Janet: why is Michael disturbing me for God sake? I wish the ground could open and swallow me up! Can't he take a hint? How can I end this conversation without being rude?

YES, you're old enough to date. You'd like to find someone who is attractive and who shares your feelings. In the past, though, each time you felt as though you crashed and burnt.


If you'd like to get to know a girl better, what factors do you need to consider? And what principles would you do well to remember?

Before you decide to pursuit a particular girl, there are some basic skills you need to master, and these will help you to be friend of anyone. Consider the following.


Maintain your personal hygiene. Good hygiene shows respect not only for others but also for you. If you respect yourself, others are more likely to respect you. On the other hand, if you let your hygiene slide, you'll sabotage your efforts to impress a girl.


WHAT GIRLS SAY: "One boy who was interested in me had really bad breath. I just couldn't get past that."-Mabel, 23.


Cultivate good manners. Good manners show that you are matured. However, good manners aren't like a suit you wear to impress others but take off when you get home. Ask yourself, 'do I display good manners when dealing with my family members?' If not, then it will seem force when you do so while interacting with others outside your home. Remember, to find out the type of person you really are, a discerning girl will look at the way you treat members of your family.

Girls 14

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Want your girl to do more during her summer vacation than sit at home and become addicted to soap operas? You might think about planning a week or two at a girl’s camp. While she could learn important life lessons and has a great time at any summer camp, girls-only camps are great options for girls because the counselors at girls' camps also strive to address issues specific to girls. If your daughter is the high adventure type, she does not have to worry about missing out on anything by attending a girls' camp. There are girls-only camps for almost any activity or interest your daughter might want to pursue.


Some girls will tell you the best feature of a girls' camp is that there are only girls there, no boys. In an environment with no boys, girls feel more free to participate in any activity they choose, such as swimming, without feeling uncomfortable around the boys. They don't have to worry about boys laughing at them if they attempt an activity and don't do as well as a boy might.


In this atmosphere, girls can participate in sports such as running, basketball, archery and range shooting without having to worry about competing with the boys. Counselors at these girls-only camps can also address self-esteem issues specific to girls such as weight, dieting and attractiveness. Some parents also prefer a girls-only camp because they don't have to worry that any hanky panky will be going on during their child's week at camp.


Probably one of the most well known girls-only camps is Girl Scout Camp. These camps can be found in locations all across the United States. Unlike privately owned or family owned camps, girls who wish to attend Girl Scout camp must be an active member of the Girl Scouts. Unlike some camps your daughter could attend, Girl Scout camps are more traditional in nature. They offer a mix of the usual camp activities such as swimming, canoeing, archery and horseback riding. A week or two at Girl Scout camp is usually reasonably priced and within most families' budgets.












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