Racing Queen Contest at the Event

Monday, August 30, 2010

The event is open to both industry professionals and the general public interested in the various auto related events that take place during the course of the four days of the exhibition. Among the main events at the SAAS is the Auto Mechanic competition, the Racing Queen contest, the Auto Body Shop competition, the dB Drag Race and the Tuning Design Car competition. Other events held during the four-day event include the Auto Body Shop Competition, the Super Car Pavilion as well as a number of seminars and discussions.

The newer Vehicles are relying on a variety

Saturday, August 28, 2010

In the old days it was called the water pump, now today you may hear it referred to as the coolant pump. This is because the newer vehicles are relying on a variety of coolants and less water to do the required job. When the engine on your car is in operation its like any piece of machinery. Eventually it will get hot. In a car there are various components that are constantly operating in enclosed spaces, so there is no way of cooling it down with air. This is where the water or coolant serves its purpose.

Featuring a Number of Automobiles Brands

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Seoul Auto Salon exhibition is the biggest exhibition of its kind in Korea, featuring a number of automobiles brands and manufacturers from around the world and Korea. Taking place annually the exhibition attracts a lot of attention from both the local and international media and is the focal point for promoting some of the latest car designs from Korean producers.

Cut Nabila Of North Sumatra Miss

Monday, August 23, 2010

Participate in the selection of Miss Indonesia 2010 event became an important moment for finalists from North Sumatra, Cut Nabila. Because, with so he could show his talent and his talent, including attention to their own cultural homelands.Interestingly, this model also finalists who are candidates for doctors who are currently enrolled as a medical student at North Sumatra University (USU).

Auto Salon Exhibition Car manufacturing

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

South Korea in the last 15 years has become well known for its technology with companies such as Samsung, LG and Dongkuk Steel all from the peninsula. Car manufacturing has been another area of business which has also become popular here and companies such as Kia, Hyundai and Daewoo might be brands which many of us now know well. This expertise in car manufacturing is a reflection of the increasing popularity of what is now a well established event in South Korea: The Seoul Auto Salon exhibition.

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