Women Driver slower and safer than their

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The harsh reality is that cheap women's car insurance is cheaper because women driver slower and safer than their male counterparts. It isn't all doom and gloom though. If you aspire to compete with the women for the cheapest car insurance, there are a few things you can do to reduce your insurance quote.

Yelena Setiabudi

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yelena Setiabudi is competing in the Miss Earth competition. Miss Earth, or Putri Bumi 2006, is currently being held in the Philippines and Indonesia's representative is Yelena Setiabudi, aged 21. Last year's Indonesian entrant, Jenny Sutjiono, walked away empty-handed but hopes are high that Yelena can do the job, for Indonesia, and the environment.But this one doesn’t get such negative press

Car or not going to see a good Exhibition

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It doesn't matter if you own a car or not going to see a good exhibition is good and will be even better for you if you have kids, it will be something that you can do with the whole family. Most of all the people that are in these car shows have spent a lot of time building their vehicles and probably have spent a lot more money then you ever will on your ride. Some people even put a custom paint job on their cars to make them just right for them and how they like it.

Rambo - Man ARRESTED

Monday, April 12, 2010

A guy dressed up like '"Rambo" was arrested Saturday night at a Florida bar ... after he allegedly began firing his Uzi and stabbing 2 patrons. Daniel Allen Noble was drinking at the Europa Lounge in Flagler County  ... he left but hours later reportedly returned as Rambo.Cops say Noble was armed with an Uzi-style assault rifle and hunting knives.Two bar patrons confronted the Rambo-wannabe ... trying to wrestle the gun away.  He allegedly fired a few rounds... but was eventually disarmed.  Cops say that's when Noble grabbed one of his knives and started swinging -- cutting his own face in the process -- which you can see in the mugshot.Noble was eventually rendered unconscious. The 2 men who tried subduing him were injured and one was hospitalized with a stab wound in his left eye and slashes to his hands.Noble is being held without bond for attempted murder ... and faces a bunch of additional charges.

Drunk On Love: Rihanna and Drake Having Good Time

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Find auto-accessories for Girls as well

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

They allow you to explore more options and also help you have better bargains. You can find auto-accessories for girls as well as boys. There are some car-accessories which are ideal for teen guys while there are some that are useful for senior car owners. Here are some great advantages of auto-accessories which make it absolutely imperative for you to buy them.

That all Women are Better Drivers

Sunday, April 4, 2010

That is not to say that all women are better drivers, there is always the exceptions. However, when it comes to getting into accidents and high claim accidents at that, women have less of a history than men do.

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