Hot Girl Sitting Cornering at High Speed

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nothing can be better that a red hot car with a red hot girl sitting beside you and these red hot alloy chrome wheels whirring away, but there are advantages other than just these in using bespoke wheels. You already know about the better handling on corners, although even with the wider tires it can be dangerous to show off by cornering at high speed.

Roadside Assistance can be a Great

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The first thing to remember is your own safety. Roadside assistance can be a great help especially if you have small children with you. Just give them a call and let them do the work. While you're waiting for them put the hood up and sit in the passenger seat so it looks like you have someone with you that will be back soon. You can try to call your Utah auto repair shop or someone who can help you if you don't have roadside assistance.

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