Car Mchine with your favorite Honey

Friday, August 14, 2009

This little environmentally friendly car offers a surprising amount of room. You would be surprised at just how much you can accomplish in this tiny offering. But here is it's real strength There are tons of girls out there who are attracted to sensitive men. What better way to show off your sensitivity then drive a "Green Car". It says, " I car about the environment, I care about you." So, hop into this green machine with your favorite honey, drive to the lakeside and plant a nice smooch on her.

Another Important thing you should Do

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another important thing you should do beforehand is to look through your owner's manual and the instructions on how to change a tire. It is especially important to read about where you need to put the jack on your vehicle. If you put it in the wrong spot it will damage your vehicle.

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